

...you frelling, slimy chunk of grey slag in my skull ! ! !

It's like this (& how many times have I repeated this crap before?):

I stayed up late, ensuring that the Kijiji rigamarole is settled for Saturday's insanity of de-cluttering my dad's house, getting my Home Group updated on our world Fellowship's website, doing a bit of work on my own website (will that ever end?!) and a bit of this, that and the inexorable other thing. Ah, bedtime!!

I feel tired. I get my clock and sleep sounds set on my iPoop, pop a couple of 1mg melatonin (should I take 3? no... I'm tired, 2's OK) and turn off the lights.


My fucking brain decides to do its favorite game of ratcheting up the thought processes into its classic overdrive, warp speed factor 9.3. Thinking about this, that, and... well, unh-huh. Every thought tended to generate its own children, offspring from heck that all clamor for attention. "Me! Me! Pick ME!!!"

Shut up. Shut Up! Just S.T.F.U!!! 

And so... and so, here I be, listening to Day 2 of Woodstock (CCR currently rocking away), sipping my cuppa tea (yeah, I know, YOU shut up!) and wondering why it is... Why it STILL is that, even with the yoga techniques I've learned to meditate and calm my mind, I still fall into the trap of thinking about, Obsessing About, every gods damned thing there could ever be in this universe.

The only thing I missed thinking about is catfishing. Which was good, because the last time I obsessed over that was two years back and my aunt died the day I had planned to do a day & overnight of fishing. Monkey wrench? oh, there it is...

My head hurts. I'll take a coupla acetaminophen for that in a bit. I will get my head settled, calmed, under control. And, I'll bet that when I go to bed I'll actually go to sleep and...


My fucking diabetic neuropathy will kick in with excruciating leg cramps and nerve pain. THAT has been a great sleep interrupter over the past few months. Who needs insomnia?

Frell me. Frak me, also. Should I throw in th other "F" bomb?? Naw, you get the point. Poor me. Wah. Boo-hoo. sniff... fuck.... Oops! I said I wasn't going to do that, didn't I??!! ah, fuck it........

Keep The Faith*
(oh my, gotta love them vocals of The Pearl, Janis Joplin!)

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