New day. February 4. I just spent around 45 minutes talking with Rob a few hours. Back. It was his 36th birthday on Feb 3. I titled this “Something New” because a phone call is truly something new for me!
I haven’t spoken with Rob in, what?? A very VERY long time! Months, even! So, for me to just pick up that 1 tonne piece of technology (the phone) and simply search & push a button to call my own son is an accomplishment, to say the least.
We chatted about our lives and just wtf is going on with each other. Our cats He’s now got 2. Cash his grey tabby and a new marmalade tabby - I’ve still only got my tuxedo, Ricky. We jabbered about his & Jenny’s purchase of a condo, which finally appears to be on it’s oh-so slow way to being built! And about their plot of acreage near Roblin ON and their plans for that. Of course, we jabbered about this, that and, naturally the ubiquitous other thing. It was wonderfully enjoyable, to say the very least!!
Once more, I am stupefied at the ease and simplicity that making a simple phone call is! To talk with Rob, even tho’ he’s a good 2 hours drive from here, is just that easy push of a coupla buttons... well, I occasionally wonder why I don’t do it more often! Outside of the long distance thing & cost, well, a phone call is tres simple.
Silly me. I can spend uber amounts of time online, on my computer, etc... but a phone call??!! EEK!! Run away! Run away!! Ahhhh, but I can be such a putz sometimes!! ;-)
Keep The Faith*
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