
A Fun Phone Conversation

 I got a call today from a cemetery where a few family members have been interred. They were wondering if we, as in family, were interested in placing my "mother" in a newly opened spot.
(note: I placed "mother" in quotes because she is my step-mum)

I told the fellow on the phone that, well...
1) My "mother" was placed in her current spot with her husband, my father and it wouldn't be nice to separate the two of them
2) Their location is within a few feet of my aunt, who was my dad's sister, and to separate them would not be... what? advantageous? Plus, my aunt's spot has a marker listing yours truly, even tho'... well, yeah, a very long story, hm? (see pic!)

3) Since we (as in the Simpsons) have 5 members of our tree placed there with no issues, why mess things up?

OK. I am NOT  the person to talk to about such things. Honestly, I do not know who would be. My sister or brother, I suppose, since they are the direct descendants of my step-mum and my sister was executor of... yadda... another long story, hm? I was listed because... why? I took care of my aunt's case in the matter? And she passed after my step-mum and before my dad. So... ???

As such, I had forgotten that I requested an estate planner from the cemetery back when my dad passed. They wanted to get this info out to me. (Keep in mind that my dad died 4+ years back.)

Outside of the fact the dude on the line did not realize my step-mum and dad were placed together, he asked if maybe my aunt and step-mum could be moved also.

I replied by pointing out that my grandad and gram were there also and were they willing to "relocate" all of them. (see pic #2)

Got the poor fella a bit flustered, so I just suggested they send me the info I requested 4 years back. He said sure, got my mailing info, and was probably glad to be out of this cold-call sales.

So. I should be expecting a package in the mail of how wonderful this company is, how great it would be to be there and all the other sales tactics a biz can offer. Plus a few far more than needed phone calls.

Honestly, I can not fault them for the phone call. Even in this Wuhan Virus bs. Folks still die and someone has got to take care of them. And make a few $$ along the way. Aye?

Keep The Faith*

2021-08-10 -- I have received exactly NOTHING from them, them being Capital Memorial Gardens ( 
https://www.arbormemorial.ca/en/capital ). Way to follow up Arbor Memorial https://www.arbormemorial.ca/en )!

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